Being A Generator


Human Design 1/3 Profile

In Human Design, I’m a 1/3 profile. Profiles in Human Design reveal the role we play in life, when operating correctly. It’s another piece of the puzzle of understanding and accepting just how unique you are.

One of the themes of the 3rd line is bonds made and broken. When I first learned about this, a deep sense of relief moved through my system. I finally was able to understand the relational patterns of my life.

I am continually making and breaking bonds, so that my individuality doesn’t get lost in the relating It’s a gift to see the relationship from a new perspective.

How does it feel to break a bond?

I can feel my body closing down, a sense of the need to retreat, moving away from the other. It feels like there isn’t any energy for the relating at that moment.

Before Human Design, my mind would fearfully think it meant something was wrong with me or with the relationship? Sometimes there IS something that needs to be addressed.

But many times it’s just me needing to be with my own experience, to follow my introspective nature and see what I discover. As a 1/3, I need a lot of time alone.

Adaptation is also part of being a 3rd line. We adapt, adapt, adapt. Then there comes a point in any relationship in which I know that if I adapt one millimeter more, I will forget who I am for myself.

Breaking the bond only becomes a problem when I am looking for the ideal bond, the bond that never breaks. When operating correctly, breaking the bond is just taking a break.

Sometimes breaking the bond feels just fine, other times it feels really rough.

Then I go through a process of reviewing the whole foundation of it – what is this relationship? Who is this person in my life? With my emotional authority, I need to wait and see if there is something that needs to be addressed.

If nothing needs to be said,  I can feel my body re-establish the bond by moving towards the other with a sense of renewed openness.

Or it can become clear that I’m not available for the relationship anymore and I need to let it go.

No relationship is perfect. Each comes with its particular set of pleasures and challenges. It’s just a question of – is this the correct person for me to experience it with? Regularly breaking the bond ensures my correctness.

If you are a 1/3 profile or in relationship with a 1/3, this process is something that is fundamental to understanding the way you relate. In a Coaching Based On Your Design session, I can help you understand and align to your relational patterns.

Breaking the bond is the only way for the 1/3. Breathing & not knowing why. Not knowing if you love the other or not, opening yourself up to the possibility that you don’t love the other or they don’t love you for who you are – this is what keeps love & truth in pace with each other.
Alokanand Diaz
Human Design Teacher

Contrary to so much of our conditioning, we are not meant to live in a permanent relational state. The founder of Human Design said that “no attraction can be permanently maintained.” It’s more about attuning to where the energy wants to flow, moment by moment and aligning to that. Sometimes that leads to breaking the bond, if only temporarily and then re-engaging when it’s correct for both people.

But all in all, don’t worry.

To come together & move apart is just the natural relational flow.

How do you know if a relationship is correct for you? Through your inner authority. Find out more by receiving your free chart.



Recently I was talking with a fellow Living Your Design guide. We were discussing the gritty journey of learning how to follow our strategy of

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